"A Violent Man" FAQ

When is the A Violent Man movie being released in the U.S.?
A Violent Man was released theatrically in the U.S. Feb. 8th, 2019.
What is the A Violent Man movie rated?
A Violent Man has not yet been rated.
Is the A Violent Man movie available on DVD/Blu-ray?
A Violent Man is now available on U.S. Region 1 DVD on Amazon.
Who made the A Violent Man movie?
A Violent Man was written by Matthew Berkowitz and Justin Steele, and directed by Matthew Berkowitz.
Who is distributing the A Violent Man movie?
A Violent Man is being distributed in the U.S. by GVN Releasing.
What is the A Violent Man movie about?
The A Violent Man movie tells the story of an unknown MMA fighter, Ty Matthews, who beats the undefeated champion at a local gym. Overnight, Ty becomes the underdog champion of the world - with a title fight on the horizon. But when the female reporter covering the story is found dead, Ty becomes the murder suspect; as he was last seen with her leaving a bar late at night. His only alibi is his girlfriend who is aware of him arriving home late that night. Read more about A Violent Man now.
Who stars in the A Violent Man movie?
A Violent Man features an all-star lineup including:
  • Thomas Q. Jones
  • Bruce Davison
  • Isaach De Bankole
  • Chuck Liddell
  • Denise Richards
How can I stay up-to-date on the A Violent Man movie?
To stay up-to-date on the latest news with the A Violent Man movie be sure to sign up for the official A Violent Man newsletter.
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